Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Episode #86: Byron McClure
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Dr. Byron McClure is a National Certified School Psychologist currently redesigning a high school in Southeast, D.C. His work centers around influencing systemic change and ensuring students from high-poverty communities have access to a quality education. Dr. McClure has extensive knowledge and expertise in mental health, social emotional learning, and behavior. Dr. McClure has done considerable work advocating for fair and equitable discipline practices for all students, particularly, for African-American boys. He has designed and implemented school-wide initiatives such as SEL, restorative practices, RTI, and trauma responsive practices. As a result of this work, led by Dr. McClure, his school recently won the 2019-2020 Whole Child Award. Dr. McClure has presented across the country as a panelist, featured, and keynote speaker. He believes in the power of dreaming big to make dreams come true! Visit Byron's website: www.lessonsforsel.com and Follow Lessons For SEL on Social Media: Twitter: https://twitter.com/LessonsForSEL Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lessonsforsel/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lessonsforsel/
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Episode #85: Donna Guerin
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Donna Guerin is the Founder and Executive Director of Global Lighthouse Studios has been a classroom teacher for the past 20 years and recently left the classroom to connect teachers and students across 6 continents with Global Lighthouse Studios. She has been an SDG Global Goals Ambassador, Innovation Lab School curriculum writer and a Global Goals Facilitator. Donna has dedicated her teaching life to empowering students to follow their passions and being a lifelong learner.
Connect with Donna online on Twitter: @dlguerin1 @globallighhlu3 IG: @dlguerin @global_lighthouse_studios FB: Global Lighthouse Studios YouTube: Global Lighthouse Studios and visit her website: www.globallighthousestudios.org
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Episode #84: Taralyn Michelle
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
A native of the southern Chicagoland area Taralyn is a National Best Selling Author and Mindset Coach. She is passionate about sharing her message of cleansing the mind, body, and spirit by owning our Divine Design. As a certified Life Coach and Habit Change expert, Taralyn has led individuals and groups in customized training programs designed to create life changing shifts. Her book, entitled The Ultimate Release, is at the core of Taralyn’s mission to guide others through identifying the beginning of core beliefs that skew perceptions and fuel negative decisions and experiences. In addition to sharing her impactful talent to awaken and inspire, Taralyn is proud to lend her support to community organizations and corporations as well as being an active contributor to various platforms created to uplift and educate viewers and listeners. Follow Taralyn on Twitter: @justtaralyn IG: @justtaralyn FB: www.facebook.com/AuthorTaralynMichelle Website: www.taralynmichelle.com
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Episode#83: Tom Murray
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Tom Murray serves as the Director of Innovation for Future Ready Schools®, a project of the Alliance for Excellent Education, located in Washington, D.C. He has testified before the United States Congress and has worked alongside that body, the US Senate, the White House, the US Department of Education and state departments of education, corporations, and school districts throughout the country to implement student-centered learning while helping to lead Future Ready Schools® and Digital Learning Day.
Visit Tom's website at: www.thomascmurray.com and follow him in Twitter @thomascmurray FB & IG: @ThomasCMurrayEDU , YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thomascmurray and LinkedIn.
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Episode #82: Heather Lyon
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Heather Lyon came to education because she wanted to write but needed a back-up plan because she knew she couldn't become a well-paid, famous author overnight. She was fortunate because her cooperating teacher was inspirational and realized she loved teaching. She became a certified Reading Specialist after completing her Master's degree in education at the University at Buffalo, and prior to that her Bachelor of Arts in English from Alfred University. Finally, she received her Ph.D. in Educational Administration from the University at Buffalo in 2010. In terms of her work history, she is an Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology for a suburban school district in Western NY State. Prior to this, she was the Director of Elementary Education in a large suburban school district. Some additional highlights of her career include her work as an English Teacher, Staff Developer, Principal, Director of Instruction, and is currently Assistant Superintendent in Lewiston-Porter Central School District of Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology.
In each position, she was known for her leadership among students, faculty and staff, and her drive toward excellence for the entire school community. Find Heather online by visiting her website www.lyonsletters.com or on Twitter @lyonsletters and on LinkedIn.
Sunday May 30, 2021
Episode #81: Jonathan Alsheimer
Sunday May 30, 2021
Sunday May 30, 2021
Jonathan Alsheimer is the unorthodox, energetic, and entertaining middle school teacher who refuses to live a life of limitations and works with UFC Fighters, Celebrities, and Clothing Brands. Jonathan is an international keynote speaker and the author of "NEXT LEVEL TEACHING" a book all about teachers being the driving force of a positive classroom and school culture. Next Level Teaching is published by Dave Burgess Consulting, which you can order on Amazon today. Follow Jonathan on Twitter & IG: @mr_alsheimer
Thursday May 27, 2021
Episode #80: Dr. Steve Yacovelli
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
Dr. Steve Yacovelli has been in the leadership, learning and development, change management, and diversity and inclusion consulting space pretty much his whole career (about twenty-five years). In his consulting experience he’s seen some leaders completely excel in their effectiveness, and some completely crash and burn due to their lack of competence in leadership skills. Steve’s desire was to help both types of leaders be more effective, through coaching, formal and informal training, and just generally being there to support their "leadershippiness". It’s Steve’s brand to “come out” and acknowledge the role he wants to take to give back to the LGBTQ+ Community and awesome Allies: to serve as a “lightning rod” of sorts to start a movement to grow LGBTQ+ Leaders and Allies to be even more effective, in a consistent, thoughtful, and mindful manner, especially those up-and-coming Leaders within the broader movement for equality and fairness for all LGBTQ+ people and well beyond. Go to topdoglearning.biz for free courses, find info about his books. http://topdog.click/mopsam
Sunday May 23, 2021
Episode #79: Connie Hamilton
Sunday May 23, 2021
Sunday May 23, 2021
Connie Hamilton has served the field of education as a teacher, instructional coach, elementary and secondary principal, and district curriculum director. She is the author of two books including her latest, the best seller, Hacking Questions. Connie is known for hands-on, practical approaches to solving instructional snafus. Educators love how she offers specific strategies that actually work and can be used immediately. Often referred to as “The Questioning Guru”, Connie has a unique ability to coach administrators and teachers to guide them through reflection and professional discovery for an amazing PD experience. Follow these links to connect with Connie online:
Webpage: www.conniehamilton.net
Twitter: @conniehamilton
Email: conniehamilton12@gmail.com
Hacking Questions FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/67751... FREE downloadable resources: http://hackingquestions.com/resources Link to Hacking Questions Book: https://amzn.to/2NLRmb8
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Episode #78: April Clark
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
Episode #77: Étienne Langlois
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
Steven "Étienne" Langlois is an award-winning teacher-rockstar and author of the best-selling book "Rock Your Class". When he's not performing for millions of fans in packed theaters or teaching back home in Ontario, Canada, he's busy helping K-12 teachers rock their engagement strategies. Étienne has spent almost 30 years teaching various subject areas and has also taken on leadership roles such as Instructional PD coach, Mentor Teacher and District Program Coordinator. Winner of multiple educator awards and Canada's "Artist of the Year" honors, he has also worked as an author and consultant for leading educational companies in Canada, the US and Europe, developing effective curriculum content. Follow Étienne on TicToc: @rockyourclass Twitter: @rockyourclass IG: @rockyourclass FB: www.facebook.com/etienneonline and visit his website: www.rockyourclasss.com